List of Faculty
ARAI, Takeshi | [Research Associate] | Solid State Physics |
ARIGA, Tomoko | [Associate Professor] | Experimental Lepton and Hadron Physics |
CHAZONO, Yoshiki | [Assistant Professor] | Theoretical Nuclear Physics |
Danilo, Vasconcellos Vargas | [Associate Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
Dion, Troy | [Assistant Professor] | Solid State Physics |
EBATA, Hiroyuki | [Assistant Professor] | Biological Soft Matter |
FUJIHIRA, Haruna | [Assistant Professor] | Intelligence Science |
FUKUDA, Jun-ichi | [Professor] | Condensed Matter Theory |
GALLOCK YOSHIMURA, Kensuke | [Assistent Professor] | Theoretical Quantum Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology |
HANAKA, Tesshu | [Associate Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
HARADA, Koji | [Professor] | Theory of Subatomic Physics and Astrophysics |
HATANO, Kohei | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
HIDAKA, Takeru | [Assistant Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
HIROKAWA, Masao | [Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
ICHIKAWA, Yuichi | [Associate Professor] | Experimental Nuclear Physics |
IKEDA, Daisuke | [Associate Professor] | Intelligence Science |
INAGAKI, Shio | [Associate Professor] | Physics of Complex Systems |
INENAGA, Shunsuke | [Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
IRAMINA, Keiji | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
ISOBE, Hiroki | [Associate Professor] | Theoretical Many-Body Physics |
JITSUMATSU, Yutaka | [Associate Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
Kaidi, Justin | [Associate Professor] | Institute for Advanced Study (Inamori Frontier Program) Theory of Elementary Particles |
KANEKO, Miki | [Associate Professor] | Intelligence Science |
KANNO, Sugumi | [Associate Professor] | Theoretical Quantum Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology |
KASAHARA, Yuichi | [Professor] | Emergent Quantum Matter |
KATAYAMA, Yoshinori | [Assistant Professor] | Intelligence Science |
KIMURA, Kei | [Associate Professor] | Intelligence Science |
KIMURA, Takashi | [Professor] | Solid State Physics |
KIMURA, Yasuyuki | [Professor] | Physics of Complex Systems |
KOBAYASHI, Fumiaki | [Assistant Professor] | Physics of Complex Systems |
KOJIMA, Kentaro | [Associate Professor] | Theory of Subatomic Physics and Astrophysics |
KOSHIMURA, Miyuki | [Assistant Professor] | Intelligence Science |
KUDO, Koji | [Assistant Professor] | Theoretical Many-Body Physics |
KUSUKI, Yuya | [Associate Professor] | Institute for Advanced Study (Inamori Frontier Program) Theory of Elementary Particles |
MATSUI, Jun | [Lecturer] | Condensed Matter Theory |
MATSUKAWA, Tetsu | [Assistant Professor] | Intelligence Science |
MATSUMURA, Akira | [Assistent Professor] | Theoretical Quantum Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology |
MINATO, Futoshi | [Associate Professor] | Theoretical Nuclear Physics |
MITSUDA, Akihiro | [Associate Professor] | Physics of Magnetism |
MIZUNO, Daisuke | [Professor] | Biological Soft Matter |
MORI, Shuji | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
MORITA, Kosuke | [Professor] | Experimental Nuclear Physics |
MORITSU, Manabu | [Assistant Professor] | Experimental Particle Physics |
MURAYAMA, Hinako | [Assistant Professor] | Emergent Quantum Matter |
NAKAMURA, Eita | [Associate Professor] | Intelligence Science |
NAKAMURA, Sachiko | [Associate Professor] | Solid State Spectroscopy |
NAKASHIMA, Yuto | [Associate Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
NAKAZATO, Ken'ichiro | [Associate Professor] | Theory of Subatomic Physics and Astrophysics |
NARIKIYO, Osamu | [Associate Professor] | Mathematical Physics |
NISHIBATA, Hiroki | [Assistant Professor] | Experimental Nuclear Physics |
NIWASE, Toshitaka | [Assistant Professor] | Experimental Nuclear Physics |
NOMURA, Kentaro | [Professor] | Theoretical Many-Body Physics |
NOMURA, Kiyohide | [Associate Professor] | Statistical Physics |
OGATA, Kazuyuki | [Professor] | Theoretical Nuclear Physics |
OGAWA, Shoya | [Assistant Professor] | Theoretical Nuclear Physics |
OKADA, Yoshihiro | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
ONO, Kenji | [Professor] | Computational Science |
OOKOUCHI, Yutaka | [Professor] | Theory of Subatomic Physics and Astrophysics |
OTONO, Hidetoshi | [Associate Professor] | Experimental Particle Physics |
OTSUKA, Hajime | [Assistant Professor] | Theory of Elementary Particles |
SAIGO, Hiroto | [Associate Professor] | Intelligence Science |
SAKAGUCHI, Satoshi | [Professor] | Experimental Nuclear Physics |
SAKURAI, Kouichi | [Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
SHIDOJI, Kazunori | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
SHIRABE, Shohei | [Assistant Professor] | Experimental Particle Physics |
Sun, Zhaohong | [Associate Professor] | Intelligence Science |
SUZUKI, Einoshin | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
SUZUKI, Hiroshi | [Professor] | Theory of Elementary Particles |
TAIRA, Takano | [Assistent Professor] | Theoretical Quantum Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology |
TAKAMINE, Aiko | [Associate Professor] | Experimental Nuclear Physics |
TAKEISHI, Kazuki | [Assistant Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
TAKEUCHI, Jun'ichi | [Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
TAKIMOTO, Eiji | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
TARAMA, Mitsusuke | [Assistant Professor] | Condensed Matter Theory |
TERANISHI, Takashi | [Associate Professor] | Experimental Nuclear Physics |
TODO, Taiki | [Associate Professor] | Intelligence Science |
TOJO, Junji | [Professor] | Experimental Particle Physics |
TOMIURA, Yoichi | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
TSUMURA, Koji | [Associate Professor] | Theory of Elementary Particles |
WAKASA, Tomotsugu | [Professor] | Experimental Nuclear Physics |
WATANABE, Yoshitaka | [Associate Professor] | Computational Science |
YAMAMOTO, Kazuhiro | [Professor] | Theoretical Quantum Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology |
YAMAUCHI, Yukiko | [Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
YOKOO, Makoto | [Professor] | Intelligence Science |
YOSHIOKA, Tamaki | [Associate Professor] | Experimental Particle Physics |
YOSHIZOE, Kazuki | [Professor] | Computational Science |
Yugie, Gu | [Assistant Professor] | Mathematical Informatics |
ADACHI, Junya | [Assistant Professor] | Dynamic Chemical Life Science |
AKIYAMA, Ryo | [Associate Professor] | Chemical Physics and Biophysics |
ANNAKA, Masahiko | [Professor] | Physical Chemistry of Soft matters |
ARIMA, Yusuke | [Associate Professor] | Nanomaterials and Interfaces |
Benjamin, Le Ouay | [Assistant Professor] | Physical Coordination Chemistry |
DONOSHITA, Masaki | [Assistant Professor] | Nanofunctional Chemistry |
GOTO, Kenta | [Assistant Professor] | Structural Organic Chemistry |
HIRAMATSU, Kotaro | [Associate Professor] | Photo-physical Chemistry |
HORI, Yuichiro | [Professor] | Dynamic Chemical Life Science |
HORIO, Takuya | [Associate Professor] | Quantum Chemistry |
KAJINO, Yuto | [Assistant Professor] | Nanomaterials and Interfaces |
KANEGAWA, Shinji | [Assistant Professor] | Photofunctional Materials Chemistry |
KAWAI, Takayuki | [Associate Professor] | Bioanalytical Chemistry |
KOBAYASHI, Hirokazu | [Associate Professor] | Nanofunctional Chemistry |
Liu, Chenchen | [Assistant Professor] | Bioanalytical Chemistry |
Lushchikova, Olga | [Assistant Professor] | Quantum Chemistry |
MAKI, Yasuyuki | [Associate Professor] | Physical Chemistry of Soft matters |
MATSUMORI, Nobuaki | [Professor] | Bioanalytical Chemistry |
MATSUSHIMA, Ayami | [Professor] | Structure-Function Biochemistry |
MIYATA, Kiyoshi | [Associate Professor] | Spectrochemistry |
NAKANO, Haruyuki | [Professor] | Theoretical Chemistry |
NOGUCHI, Tomohiro | [Assistant Professor] | Nanofunctional Chemistry |
NOSE, Takeru | [Professor] | Biomolecular Chemistry |
OGAWA, Tomohiro | [Assistant Professor] | Spectrochemistry |
OHASHI, Kazuhiko | [Associate Professor] | Structural Chemistry |
OHBA, Masaaki | [Professor] | Physical Coordination Chemistry |
OHTANI, Ryo | [Associate Professor] | Physical Coordination Chemistry |
OISHI, Tohru | [Professor] | Bioorganic Chemistry |
OKAUE, Yoshihiro | [Lecturer] | Coordination Chemistry |
OKETANI, Ryosuke | [Assistant Professor] | Quantum Chemistry |
ONDA, Ken | [Professor] | Spectrochemistry |
OZAWA, Hironobu | [Associate Professor] | Coordination Chemistry |
SAKAI, Ken | [Professor] | Coordination Chemistry |
SATO, Osamu | [Professor] | Photofunctional Materials Chemistry |
SUYAMA, Keitaro | [Assistant Professor] | Biomolecular Chemistry |
SUZUKI, Satoshi | [Assistant Professor] | Theoretical Chemistry |
TAKIUE, Takanori | [Professor] | Soft Interfacial Chemistry |
TAMADA, Kaoru | [Professor] | Nanomaterials and Interfaces |
TANI, Fumito | [Associate Professor] | Structural Organic Chemistry |
TERASAKI, Akira | [Professor] | Quantum Chemistry |
TOKUNAGA, Makoto | [Professor] | Catalysis Organic Chemistry |
TORIKAI, Kohei | [Lecturer] | Bioanalytical Chemistry |
UCHIDA, Tatsuya | [Associate Professor] | Synthetic Organic Chemistry |
UTSUNOMIYA, Satoshi | [Associate Professor] | Inorganic Reaction Chemistry |
WATANABE, Hiroshi | [Associate Professor] | Theoretical Chemistry |
WATANABE, Yoshihiro | [Lecturer] | Theoretical Chemistry |
Wu, Shuqi | [Assistant Professor] | Photofunctional Materials Chemistry |
YAMAMOTO, Eiji | [Associate Professor] | Catalysis Organic Chemistry |
YAMAUCHI, Kosei | [Assistant Professor] | Coordination Chemistry |
YAMAUCHI, Miho | [Professor] | Nanofunctional Chemistry |
YASHIMA, Shintaro | [Assistant Professor] | Physical Chemistry of Soft matters |
YASUNO, Yoko | [Assistant Professor] | Bioorganic Chemistry |
YOSHIDA, Tatsuya | [Assistant Professor] | Spectrochemistry |
YOSHIZAWA, Akina | [Assistant Professor] | Catalysis Organic Chemistry |
YUMIMOTO, Kanae | [Associate Professor] | Dynamic Chemical Life Science |
Earth and Planetary Sciences
AIZAWA, Koki | [Associate Professor] | Observational Seismology and Volcanology |
ARAKAWA, Masashi | [Associate Professor] | Earth System Chemistry |
EMOTO, Kentaro | [Associate Professor] | Observational Seismology and Volcanology |
FUKUYAMA, Ko | [Assistant Professor] | Earth System Chemistry |
GESHI, Nobuo | [Professor] | Volcanology |
IKEDA, Takeshi | [Associate Professor] | Petrology and Volcanology |
ITO, Yasuhiro | [Professor] | Paleontology and Mineral History |
KANESHIMA, Satoshi | [Professor] | Deep Earth Physics |
KAWAMURA, Ryuichi | [Professor] | Meteorology and Climate Dynamics |
KAWANO, Hideaki | [Associate Professor] | Space and Earth Electromagnetism |
KAWANO, Tetsuya | [Assistant Professor] | Meteorology and Climate Dynamics |
KITAJIMA, Fumio | [Assistant Professor] | Organic Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry |
KIYOKAWA, Shoichi | [Associate Professor] | Earth's Geologic Evolution |
KUBO, Tomoaki | [Professor] | Deep Earth Materials Science |
Liu, Huixin | [Professor] | Atmosphere–Ionosphere Coupling and Space Weather |
MACHIDA, Masahiro | [Professor] | Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems |
MATSUMOTO, Satoshi | [Professor] | Observational Seismology and Volcanology |
MATSUSHIMA, Takeshi | [Professor] | Geohazard Mitigation Science |
MIYAMOTO, Tomoharu | [Assistant Professor] | Petrology and Volcanology |
MIYOSHI, Yasunobu | [Professor] | Atmospheric Modeling |
MOCHIZUKI, Takashi | [Associate Professor] | Meteorology and Climate Dynamics |
MOTOMURA, Kento | [Assistant Professor] | Earth's Geologic Evolution |
NAKAJIMA, Kensuke | [Associate Professor] | Atmospheric and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
NARAOKA, Hiroshi | [Professor] | Organic Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry |
NOGUCHI, Shunsuke | [Assistant Professor] | Atmospheric and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
OHASHI, Masatoshi | [Assistant Professor] | Volcanology |
OKAZAKI, Ryuji | [Associate Professor] | Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems |
OKAZAKI, Yusuke | [Professor] | Paleoenvironmental Science |
ONOUE, Tetsuji | [Professor] | Earth's Geologic Evolution |
SATO, Honami | [Assistant Professor] | Earth's Geologic Evolution |
TAKAHASHI, Futoshi | [Associate Professor] | Deep Earth Physics |
TORAMARU, Atsushi | [Professor] | Petrology and Volcanology |
TSUBOKAWA, Yumiko | [Assistant Professor] | Deep Earth Materials Science |
WATANABE, Masakazu | [Associate Professor] | Solar Terrestrial Physics |
YAMAMOTO, Daiki | [Assistant Professor] | Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems |
YAMAMOTO, Junji | [Professor] | Earth System Chemistry |
YAMAUCHI, Noriaki | [Associate Professor] | Organic Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry |
YOSHIDA, Shigeo | [Associate Professor] | Dynamics of the Earth's Interior |
YOSHIKAWA, Akimasa | [Professor] | Space and Earth Electromagnetism |
Ade Irma Suriajaya | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
Daniel, Gaina | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
FUJISAWA, Katsuki | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
FUKASAKU, Ryoya | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
FUKUMOTO, Yasuhide | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
GON, Yasuro | [Professor] | Faculty of Arts and Science |
GOTO, Yuichi | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
HAMADA, Noriyuki | [Assistant Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
HANIHARA, Norihiro | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
HARA, Takashi | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
HIKAMI, Kazuhiro | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
HIROSE, Kei | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
HIROSE, Masayo | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
HIROSHIMA, Fumio | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
IKE, Yuichi | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
IKEMATSU, Yasuhiko | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
INAHAMA, Yuzuru | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
ISHII, Yutaka | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
ISHITSUKA, Yasuhiro | [Assistant Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
Jan, Brezina | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Arts and Science |
KAJI, Shizuo | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
KAJIWARA, Kenji | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
KAMIMOTO, Joe | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
KAMIYAMA, Naoyuki | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
KANEKO, Masanobu | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
KATADA, Mai | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
KAWANO, Shuichi | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
KAZUKAWA, Daisuke | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
KIRA, Akifumi | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
KISHIMOTO, Daisuke | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
KOBAYASHI, Shinichi | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
KODANI, hisatoshi | [Assistant Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
KONNO, Takuya | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
KURATA, Sumito | [Assistant Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
KUSAKABE, Yuta | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
MASUDA, Toshihiko | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
MATSUE, Kaname | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
MATSUSAKA, Toshiki | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
MIYAKE, Nobuhito | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
MIZOGUCHI, Yoshihiro | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
MORISHITA, Masanori | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
MORITA, Yosuke | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
MURAYAMA, Takuya | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
NAKAMURA, Kentaro | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
Nguyen Dinh Hoa | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
Nguyen Hien Duy | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
NII, Shunsaku | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
NUIDA, Koji | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
OCHIAI, Hiroyuki | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
OKADA, Takuzo | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
OTSU, Yukio | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
Pierluigi, Cesana | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
SAEKI, Osamu | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
SAITO, Shingo | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Arts and Science |
SAKAMOTO, Shota | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
SASAHIRA, Hirofumi | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
SATO, Fumikazu | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
SATO, Yasuhiko | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
SEGATA, Jun-ichi | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
SHIGETOMI, Shota | [Assistant Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
SHIRAI, Tomoyuki | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
SUMI, Toshio | [Professor] | Faculty of Arts and Science |
TAGAMI, Daisuke | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
TAIRA, Kouichi | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
TAKASE, Hiroshi | [Assistant Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
TAKEDA, Yuichiro | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
TAKEUCHI, Taiki | [Assistant Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
TEROU, Atsushi | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
TOKUDA, Satoru | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
TOMIYASU, Ryoko | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
TSUJII, Masato | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
TSUKUDA, Koji | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
TSUNODA, Kenkichi | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
TSUTAYA, Mitsunobu | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
URAMOTO, Takeo | [Assistant Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
WAKI, Hayato | [Associate Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
Weng, Lin | [Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
YAMAGUCHI, Akihiro | [Professor] | Institute of Mathematics for Industry |
YAMAZAKI, Yohei | [Assistant Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
YOSHIDA, Hiroshi | [Associate Professor] | Faculty of Mathematics |
ARAKAKI, Seiji | [Associate Professor] | Marine Biology |
ATSUTA, Yuji | [Lecturer] | Animal Developmental Biology and Reproductive Engineering |
FUJIWARA, Manabi | [Associate Professor] | Molecular Genetics |
HAMAMURA, Natsuko | [Professor] | Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology |
HAYASHI, Yoshiki | [Lecturer] | Animal Developmental Biology and Reproductive Engineering |
HOSOKAWA, Takahiro | [Associate Professor] | Ecological Science |
IMAFUKU, Yasuhiro | [Assistant Professor] | Functional Cell Biology |
ISHIHARA, Takeshi | [Professor] | Molecular Genetics |
KAWASOE, Yoshitaka | [Assistant Professor] | Chromosomal Functions |
KOBAYASHI, Kyogo | [Assistant Professor] | Behavioral Neuroscience |
KUSUMI, Kensuke | [Lecturer] | Plant Genomics |
MATSUDA, Osamu | [Assistant Professor] | Plant Molecular Biology |
MATSUO, Naoki | [Professor] | Behavioral Neuroscience |
MONDA, Keina | [Assistant Professor] | Plant Genomics |
NAKAJO, Nobushige | [Lecturer] | Functional Cell Biology |
NAKATA, Taichi | [Assistant Professor] | Mathematical Biology |
NEGI, Juntaro | [Associate Professor] | Plant Molecular Biology |
Ni Ni Win | [Assistant Professor] | Marine Biology |
NITASAKA, Eiji | [Associate Professor] | Plant Genomics |
NOSHITA, Koji | [Assistant Professor] | Mathematical Biology |
OKUMOTO, Kanji | [Assistant Professor] | Functional Cell Biology |
SAITO, Daisuke | [Professor] | Animal Developmental Biology and Reproductive Engineering |
SASAKI, Eriko | [Associate Professor] | Mathematical Biology |
SATAKE, Akiko | [Professor] | Mathematical Biology |
SHIBATA, Toshio | [Assistant Professor] | Functional Cell Biology |
SHIGETOMI, Kenta | [Assistant Professor] | Cell Biology |
TAKAHASHI, Tatsuro | [Professor] | Chromosomal Functions |
TAKASUKA, Keizo | [Assistant Professor] | Ecology |
TATSUTA, Haruki | [Professor] | Ecology |
TERAMOTO, Takayuki | [Associate Professor] | Functional Cell Biology |
TESHIMA, Kosuke | [Professor] | Evolutionary Genetics |
YAMAMOTO, Naoki | [Assistant Professor] | Behavioral Neuroscience |
YAMAWAKI, Yoshifumi | [Lecturer] | Functional Cell Biology |