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Physics and Its Relation to Other Studies

The study of physics falls between abstract studies, such as mathematics, and practical studies, such as engineering, chemistry, biology, medicine, and earth and planetary sciences. The results of research in physics have been applied to other fields of study, and conversely the results of research in other fields have stimulated the development of physics. A historic example is the discoveries made from temperature measurements in blast-furnace engineering that became the source of quantum mechanics in physics. A more recent example might be the theory of relativity, which has lately been applied to GPS engineering, and is now used in our everyday life in the form of car navigation systems. Even in our department of physics, several joint research projects involving other disciplines are currently being conducted.
Research Fields in Department of Physics
Our Department of Physics has two courses; the “Physics Course” and the “Informatics Course”.
Physics Course
Research activities in present day physics span all scales of the universe, from elementary particles to the universe itself. The scope of research in the “Physics Course” covers all such scales. In the field of elementary particles or nuclear physics, the focus is on the micro-scale; smaller than a nucleus. In the field of physics of matter, the focus is on a macro-scale; larger than an atom. In the field of astrophysics, the focus is on a cosmological scale. Researchers in the "Physics Course" study natural phenomena at various scales both experimentally and theoretically.
Informatics Course
Information in present day society is very important in all aspects of its generation, transmission, recognition, and control. In the "Informatics Course" information phenomena are studied on the basis of mathematics and physics.
Pursuit of Law in Universe, Nature, and Society
How was the universe created and how has it evolved? How was matter produced and developed in the universe? In the group of “Theory of elementary particle, nuclear physics and astrophysics”, such fundamental questions are studied at a world-class level.
The group of “Experimental Particle and Nuclear Physics” conducts experimental research utilizing state-of-the-art accelerators and detectors. The Experimental Particle Physics Laboratory investigates particles and their interactions, aiming to reveal the mysteries of the early universe. The Experimental Nuclear Physics Laboratory seeks to discover new elements, and understand the properties of atomic nuclei and stellar nucleosynthesis.
The group of “Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics” studies theoretically the nature of macroscopic physics, including quantum electron/spin systems, soft matter systems, glasses and supercooled liquids, and biological systems. Fundamental aspects of the theories dealing with such systems are also the targets of our study.
The group of “Quantum Physical Science” studies novel quantum phenomena induced in special environments such as low temperature, strong magnetic or electric fields, high pressure, etc., as well as in nanostructures. We are also interested in seeking new materials and structures with excellent quantum properties, manifestation of unconventional quantum states at the surface and/or interface, manipulation of quantum states using electro-microwave, and so on.
The group of “Complex Matter Science” studies complex matters such as liquid crystal, polymers, and biological systems, and tries to clarify the relationships between microscopic organized structures and macroscopic physical properties.
The group of “Informatics Course” studies to solve real world problems by constructing and analyzing mathematical models for phenomena and human intellectual activities that appear in the target domains. Its challenge is to establish fundamental methodologies in various fields of informatics and develop their applications.

Undergraduate School
Physics is the most fundamental of the natural sciences and various courses are provided in our department. Lectures cover the basics of physics, such as Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics as well as looking at the Frontiers of Physics. Students have the chance to study more specialized fields including Condensed Matter Physics, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics and Crystal Physics.
Our department also provides the “Informatics Course” separated from the “Physics Course” mentioned above. Lectures in the “Informatics Course” cover the fundamentals of computer science and informatics, such as Information Algebra, Information Logic, Formal Language Theory, Information Structure, Algorithm, and Information Theory. This course also provides lectures in more specialized fields including Data Science, Image Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cyber Security.
Graduate School
What are the basic principles that govern the world of nature? What are the basic elements that make up the materials of nature? How can the various characteristics of matter in our universe be explained in terms of basic principles and elements? How was the universe, including nature, created? In our department, we are carrying out research and teaching that answer basic questions related to the structure of nature and materials. The fields of physics cover Elementary Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, Fundamental Theory of Condensed Matters, Low Temperature Physics, Electronic Properties of Condensed Matters, and Complex Systems including Polymers and Liquids.
Research Groups
- Theory of Elementary Particles
- SUZUKI Hiroshi, Professor
- TSUMURA Koji, Associate Professor
- KUSUKI Yuya*, Associate Professor
- Justin Kaidi*, Associate Professor
- OTSUKA Hajime, Assistant Professor
- * Institute for Advanced Study
- Theoretical study of elementary particle physics (quantum field theory, quantum anomaly, lattice gauge theory, exact renormalization group, beyond the standard model, model building, phenomenology and cosmology, superstring theory, unified theory, Calabi-Yau compactification, machine learning, quantum gravity, AdS/CFT, entanglement, conformal bootstrap, any topic in 2D CFT, categorical symmetry, anomalies, non-supersymmetric strings and branes)
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- Theory of Subatomic Physics and Astrophysics
- HARADA Koji†, Professor
- OOKOUCHI Yutaka†, Professor
- KOJIMA Kentaro†, Associate Professor
- NAKAZATO Ken'ichiro†, Associate Professor
- † Faculty of Arts and Science
- Theoretical study on subatomic physics and astrophysics (quantum field theory for hadrons, elementary particle phenomenology, early universe, string theory, mathematical physics, theoretical astronomy and astrophysics, high-energy astrophysics).
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- Theoretical Nuclear Physics
- OGATA Kazuyuki, Professor
- MINATO Futoshi, Associate Professor
- OGAWA Shoya, Assistant Professor
- CHAZONO Yoshiki, Assistant Professor
- The “Theoretical Nuclear Physics” research group is aiming at revealing the dynamics of many-body quantum systems, mainly atomic nuclei. Emphasis is placed on the correct interpretation of data observed in experiments. We are constantly refining our theories in order to extract new physics of many-body quantum systems with a high degree of accuracy. We are also actively engaged in discussions with theoretical and experimental researchers in the world.
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- Theoretical Quantum Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology
- YAMAMOTO Kazuhiro, Professor
- KANNO Sugumi, Associate Professor
- MATSUMURA Akira, Assistant Professor
- GALLOCK YOSHIMURA Kensuke, Assistant Professor
- TAIRA Takano, Assistant Professor
- Theoretical studies of cosmology, gravitation, and quantum information physics (cosmology and gravitation using quantum information science, quantum entanglement and quantum nature of gravity, quantum field theory of curved spacetime , cosmology, inflationary universe, gravitational waves, Tests of gravity and dark energy models with the large-scale structure of the universe)
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- Experimental Particle Physics
- TOJO Junji, Professor
- YOSHIOKA Tamaki‡, Associate Professor
- OTONO Hidetoshi, Associate Professor
- SHIRABE Shohei, Assistant Professor
- MORITSU Manabu, Assistant Professor
- ‡ Research Center for Advanced Particle Physics
- Our group is conducting experimental research projects using state-of-the-art accelerators for understanding of the fundamental law of the universe. Our current projects are as follows:
- The ATLAS experiment at the LHC
- The International Linear Collider project
- Particle physics experiments using highly intense muon beams at J-PARC
- Fundamental physics experiments using low energy neutrons at J-PARC
- Experimental Lepton and Hadron Physics
- ARIGA Tomoko†, Associate Professor
- † Faculty of Arts and Science
- Experimental studies of leptons and hadrons using accelerators (high-energy neutrino experiment, hadron experiment, muon experiment).
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- Experimental Nuclear Physics
- WAKASA Tomotsugu, Professor
- SAKAGUCHI Satoshi, Professor
- TERANISHI Takashi, Associate Professor
- ICHIKAWA Yuichi, Associate Professor
- TAKAMINE Aiko, Associate Professor
- NISHIBATA Hiroki, Assistant Professor
- NIWASE Toshitaka, Assistant Professor
- (MORITA Kosuke*, Professor)
- * Institute for Advanced Study
- Our group studies nucleon and hadron many body systems experimentally. Accelerators in Kyushu University and in RIKEN and RCNP are used. Current research topics are as follows:
- Search for new superheavy element. Spectroscopic and chemical studies of the nuclei of the heaviest elements.
- Spin-isospin responses and nuclear medium effects in stable and unstable nuclei.
- Spectroscopy of neutron-rich or proton-rich unstable nuclei.
- Low-energy nuclear physics. Technical developments using Kyushu Tandem accelerator.
- Condensed Matter Theory
- FUKUDA Jun-ichi, Professor
- MATSUI Jun, Lecturer
- TARAMA Mitsusuke, Assistant Professor
- Research topics in our group cover various phenomena in non-equilibrium systems and complex systems. Our focus is on theoretical and computational physics of soft condensed matter, and current research subjects include:
- Self-organized structures and dynamics of liquid crystals
- Optical properties of ordered structures in soft matter
- Field theory of polymeric systems
- Poly-amorphism and crystallization
- Slowing dynamics near the glass transition
- Dynamics of active matter
- Non-equilibrium physics of biological and living matter
- Statistical Physics
- NOMURA Kiyohide, Associate Professor
- Theoretical study of statistical physics and condensed matter, and related topics. Subjects include, but are not limited to,
- field theoretical approach of low dimensional quantum systems of spins and electrons.
- critical phenomena and nonlinear susceptibility.
- Theoretical Many-Body Physics
- NOMURA Kentaro, Professor
- ISOBE Hiroki, Associate Professor
- KUDO Koji, Assistant Professor
- Theoretical research on geometric quantum phenomena in condensed-matter systems with the use of analytical and numerical methods. The central issue is the search for new phenomena such as anomalous quantum transport, magnetism, spintronics, and non-abelian anyons, in topological materials, Dirac / Weyl electrons, and fractional quantum Hall systems.Read More
- Mathematical Physics
- NARIKIYO Osamu, Associate Professor
- Our group studies mathematical aspects of quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. Current research topics are as follows:
- Gauge theories without ghosts
- Long-range force or infrared divergence in QED
- Emergence of classical degrees of freedom
- Categorical quantum field theory in curved space-time
- Physics of Magnetism
- MITSUDA Akihiro, Associate Professor
- Experimental study on the exotic electronic and structural properties in condensed matters by magnetic and transport measurements and diffraction and resonance techniques under high pressures; itinerant electron magnetism, valence instabilities of rare-earth elements.Read More
- Emergent Quantum Matter
- KASAHARA Yuichi, Professor
- MURAYAMA Hinako, Assistant Professor
- Experimental studies of diverse quantum condensed matter (e.g. unconventional superconductivity, quantum critical phenomena, quantum spin liquid, and so on). Using various measurement techniques and crystal/thin-film growth, we will explore novel quantum phenomena and elementary excitations, and study their artificial control.Read More
- Solid State Spectroscopy
- NAKAMURA Sachiko, Associate Professor
- Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of materials such as superconductors and development of spectroscopic techniques.Read More
- Solid State Physics
- KIMURA Takashi, Professor
- ARAI Takeshi, Research Associate
- Troy Dion, Assistant Professor
- We are interested in electron-transport phenomena in nano-scale systems composed of different types of functional materials such as ferro- and antiferro-magnetic materials, superconductor, normal metal and insulator. Especially, we focus significantly on the influence of electron spin in the transports, so called spin-dependent transports. Moreover, understanding and manipulating the dynamical motions of spin is also important research subject. The specific example of the research subject is as follows.
- Understanding electrically and thermally driven spin-current transports
- Interplay between spin-polarized electron and cooper pair
- Nonlinear motion of nano-scale spin dynamics in patterned ferromagnetic film
- Development of novel nanoelectric devices such as spin memristor and spin filter
- Physics of Complex Systems
- KIMURA Yasuyuki, Professor
- INAGAKI Shio, Associate Professor
- KOBAYASHI Fumiaki, Assistant Professor
- We are an experimental research group that investigates non-equilibrium physics of “soft materials” (e.g., colloids, polymers, and liquid crystals). Much of the diversity in nature depends on the complex hierarchical ordering of these soft materials and their slow cooperative dynamics, which are the focus of our study. Dynamic self-assembly of soft materials, for instance, creates exquisite structures in living organisms that are under constant activation by their own metabolism. We investigate such nonequilibrium processes that do not obey the statistics of thermodynamic equilibrium, by developing novel state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical techniques.Read More
- Biological Soft Matter
- MIZUNO Daisuke, Professor
- EBATA Hiroyuki, Assistant Professor
- Why living organisms consist of soft materials? Complexity and versatility of biological systems arise when soft materials are driven far from equilibrium. We investigate the mechanism from physics perspectives, by measuring "softness" and "non-equilibrium properties" of soft matter.
- Exploring non-equilibrium relations in soft biological systems
- Microrheology of biological cells and tissues
- Violation of Fluctuation-Dissipation and Central Limiting theorems
- and their implication in living systems